Peppa Lovey 2017

This was fun to create! I made this for my granddaughter who was turning three years old in July 2017. She just adored the children’s show with the cute pig character, and I wanted to make her something unique that no one else might have. I was so tickled that she loved this as much as she did! She carried it around most of the day, unless she was in the water at the beach!

I had no pattern for this lovey. I looked at a lot of pictures on Google to get the character’s features just right. The lower portion was worked in a circular chevron pattern, as you can see in the image above. I stuffed the head with fiberfill, and attached it to the center of the “blanket” portion. I then attached the arms just below the head. Again, sorry… No pattern. I really need to start writing these things out, so I can duplicate the item!

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